Hugh McKeever Headstone Restoration Project: Update #1

This post is being posted on behalf of Betty McIver and Ron McIver, co-coordinators of the Hugh McKeever Headstone Restoration Project. The post below is written by Ron.

I mentioned in my initial post on this project that I would be sending out updates periodically, so this is update #1. 

In regards to the installation date, we just received a date. The bench will be installed on one of the following three days, November 27th, 28th or the 29th. I’ll personally be there for the installation and I’ll be taking pictures to send out for everyone to view.

Our goal is to collect $8,932.80. So far, we have collected $2,700 in donations! A big thank you to all the donors!

This is an opportunity for our family community to celebrate and show our appreciation for the life and sacrifices of the first McKeever family that immigrated to Prince Edward Island.  

Donations will gladly be taken until the end of November. Income tax receipts will be provided for all donations.

If you’re interested in making a donation to the Hugh McKeever Headstone Restoration Project, please send an e-transfer or cheque to Ron McIver or Betty McIver. Send an email to and we’ll be in touch!

Ron McIver and Betty McIver

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